Fraud Blocker Cloth Diaper FAQ

Cloth Diaper FAQ


Cloth Diapering is Better with friends! +-

Free Financing :: Shop Now, Pay Later +-

Cloth Diapering :: Where do I start? +-

Overnight :: Do I need different cloth diapers for overnight? +-

My Baby Pees a LOT! +-

How do I wash my cloth diapers? +-

How should I store my dirty diapers? +-

Do I need to prep my diapers? +-

What about enzymes? +-

Can I use vinegar, bleach, borax, baking soda or any other laundry additives on my diapers? +-

I have heard about stripping my diapers. What is that? How often should I do it? +-

How many diapers do I need? +-

My baby has a rash, can I use diaper cream? +-

What can I do if my diapers have stains? +-

My diapers are leaking! Now what? +-

A snap came off my diaper, what do I do now? +-

How do I get a great fit on my Rumparooz? +-

Is there a warranty on my diapers? +-

My diaper is not under warranty. Can you still repair it? +-

Additional FAQs

How to Use Cloth Diaper Covers +-

How Many Parents Use Cloth Diapers +-

How To Strip Cloth Diapers With Dawn Dish Soap +-

When To Switch From Newborn Diapers +-

How Much Money Do You Save with Cloth Diapers +-

What Do I Need for Cloth Diapering +-

