Fraud Blocker Potty Training with Cloth Training Pants

Potty Training with Cloth Training Pants

The use of cloth training pants when it is time to potty train makes the process easier and less stressful on both your child and you. Even if you never used cloth diapers, most parents find that the use of cloth potty training pants has many advantages over their synthetic counterparts. Cloth pants help your child to feel and experience the wetness that occurs when they have an accident, while providing containment for soiled messes. The key to successful potty training is patience. Even when a child shows signs that they are ready for potty training, they will still need to understand their body’s signals. Potty training consists of several key components: learning how to pull your pants up and down, knowing when to use the bathroom, and reinforcing successful potty training with praise and encouragement. Cloth training pants are great because they fit and feel similarly to real underwear. As your child becomes more confident with using the bathroom on their own, they will be able to more comfortably transition to wearing standard underwear.

Eco-Friendly Training Pants

There are many different brands of cloth training pants that are available for purchase by parents. At Kanga Care we have two options: Lil Learnerz and Ecoposh OBV training pants. Both styles are recommended for when the time comes to potty train. The Ecoposh Organic Bamboo Velour Training Pants by Kanga Care are suggested for potty training because they are designed to be comfortably soft for your child. The Ecoposh OBV trainers are available in sizes from 1T to 3T+ to accommodate different sizes and ages. These training pants are made from environmentally friendly materials that include organic cotton, bamboo rayon, and recycled water bottles. They contain layers of absorbent panels and waterproof TPU that helps in case of an accident. The TPU panel is designed to prevent messy accidents, but is not fully waterproof, so your child can still feel and experience wetness.

Accidents Will Happen…

It is important to remember that there will be both good and bad days when it comes to potty training. Pairing training pants with diaper covers means that caretakers can virtually eliminate any leakage that might result from training accidents. Luckily, if you used diaper covers with your cloth diapers before you started toilet training, then you can also use these same covers with your training pants. Ecoposh Wool Covers are great because they provide a soft and natural solution that still makes it easy for your young potty trainer to be able to pull their cloth training pants up and down so that they can get their business done.