FREE Rump·a·rooz for everyone!
We are looking for 3 families to be selected to create a 1 week long video journal documenting their use of the Rump·a·rooz One Size Diaper. Each family will receive 24 Rumparooz to begin their documentary. Selected families should film each step of their experience with the Rumparooz from the beginning stages of wash and prep, to what to do with poop, then how to wash. Families will record their thoughts about their cloth diapering experience and feedback. We are looking for families that may fall into these 3 categories:
· Experienced cloth diapering family with at least one child in diapers of any age.
· Family using disposable diapers who are interested switching to cloth diapers. Baby of any age.
· Family of a newborn, ages 0-1 month (or due date still to arrive.)
*families should have their own personal video camera, iPhone G3s, Flip camera or similar.
To apply for the Rumparooz Video Journal position, please contact Briefly tell us a bit about your family and why you think you would be a good candidate for this experience.· Family using disposable diapers who are interested switching to cloth diapers. Baby of any age.
· Family of a newborn, ages 0-1 month (or due date still to arrive.)
*families should have their own personal video camera, iPhone G3s, Flip camera or similar.
DEADLINE for Video Journal applications is Midnight, March 7.

Do you LOVE your Rumparooz? Want a FREE one? We are looking for your video testimonials to add to our YouTube Channel!
It's THIS easy:
1. Create your Video Testimonial (dont forget to show how cute the diaper is on your baby!) ~ Get creative
2. Upload your video to your YouTube account. (Dont have an account? They are free!)
3. Email us with the YouTube link to your video and we will add it to our favorites list. This will link your video to our YouTube Channel!
To Claim Your FREE Diaper:
1. Subscribe to the Rumparooz YouTube Channel
2. Comment on one of our uploaded videos (not favorites)
3. Subscribe to our Blog
4. Comment on one of the blog posts.
5. Email us with the following information:
• Name
• Mailing Address
• Free diaper selection: colors and closure (prints and Lil•Joeys excluded)
• Where we can find your YouTube video comment
• Where we can find your blog comment
• The link to your YouTube Rumparooz Video Testimonial <-----------dont forget!
Video Testimonials will always be accepted. To qualify for a FREE DIAPER, video should be received by April 1st.
#3: Hit the Newsstands!
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Check out these subscriptions for valuable savings:
· Mothering (May & June)
· Pregnancy & Newborn (April & May)
· BabyTalk 2010-11 Pregnancy Planner Guide
· The Bump '10 (Denver, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles)
**Check The Bump for exclusive specials at 8 Rumparooz retailers.
· Expectant Mothers Guide 2010-12 (Denver, Boston, St. Louis, Chicago, New Jersey, Atlanta)